Art Features . Disappearing Memory Series . Focus Magazine . New York

Art Features . Disappearing Memory Series . Focus Magazine . New York P1

Art Features . Disappearing Memory Series . Focus Magazine . New York P2

Art Features . Disappearing Memory Series . Focus Magazine . New York P3

Art Features . Disappearing Memory Series . Focus Magazine . New York P4Yan Fong’s Art features in Focus Magazine full pags on the Disappearing Memory Series . Disappearing Memory Series is a collection of visual images which captures a group of vintage elements that are fading out slowly in the cities. They recall our attention of disappearing cultures which being developed over years in a specific time and space. YAN FONG is an artist and fashion designer who studied fashion and art at (POLYU)HK and (FIT)NYC. Yan specializes in design direction and art development and founded Decoartpiece as an international platform to capture disappearing memories that are fading out slowly from the big cities in a specific time and space by creating timeless art piece from a designer aesthetic view in a vintage yet contemporary style. Using collage paint with mixed medium in an abstract style on rich texture surface such as wood and steel is her favorite way to presents her taste of simply luxury for interior décor. Yan’s work always captures the most signature elements as the visual message with strong color impact which captures the vintage elements that are fading out slowly from the cities. Yan’s vision is to call for public attention to disappearing cultures in a specific time and space by creating timeless aesthetics art piece in a designer aesthetic view. Yan’s art topic “Disappearing Memory Series” had received highly recognition from the art industry and loved by international press and media. Disappearing Memory Series is a collection of visual images which captures a group of vintage elements that are fading out slowly from the cities. They call for our attention to disappearing cultures in a specific time and space.

More : Focus Magazine Issue 7